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AbstractHolidayParser - Class in de.jollyday.parser
The abstract base class for all HolidayParser implementations.
AbstractHolidayParser() - Constructor for class de.jollyday.parser.AbstractHolidayParser
addChristianHoliday(LocalDate, String, HolidayType, Set<Holiday>) - Method in class de.jollyday.parser.impl.RelativeToEasterSundayParser
Adds the given day to the list of holidays.


BaseManagerParameter - Class in de.jollyday.parameter
BaseManagerParameter(Properties) - Constructor for class de.jollyday.parameter.BaseManagerParameter


Cache<VALUE> - Class in de.jollyday.util
Cache implementation which handles concurrent access to cached values.
Cache() - Constructor for class de.jollyday.util.Cache
Cache.ValueHandler<VALUE> - Interface in de.jollyday.util
CalendarHierarchy - Class in de.jollyday
Bean class for describing the configuration hierarchy.
CalendarHierarchy(CalendarHierarchy, String) - Constructor for class de.jollyday.CalendarHierarchy
Constructor which takes a eventually existing parent hierarchy node and the ID of this hierarchy.
CalendarPartManagerParameter - Class in de.jollyday.parameter
CalendarPartManagerParameter(String, Properties) - Constructor for class de.jollyday.parameter.CalendarPartManagerParameter
calendarUtil - Variable in class de.jollyday.HolidayManager
Utility for calendar operations
calendarUtil - Variable in class de.jollyday.parser.AbstractHolidayParser
Calendar utility class.
CalendarUtil - Class in de.jollyday.util
Utility class for date operations.
CalendarUtil() - Constructor for class de.jollyday.util.CalendarUtil
ChristianHolidayParser - Class in de.jollyday.parser.impl
This parser creates christian holidays for the given year relative to easter sunday.
ChristianHolidayParser() - Constructor for class de.jollyday.parser.impl.ChristianHolidayParser
ClassLoadingUtil - Class in de.jollyday.util
ClassLoadingUtil class.
ClassLoadingUtil() - Constructor for class de.jollyday.util.ClassLoadingUtil
clear() - Method in class de.jollyday.util.Cache
Clears the cache.
clearManagerCache() - Static method in class de.jollyday.HolidayManager
Clears the manager cache from all cached manager instances.
configuration - Variable in class de.jollyday.impl.DefaultHolidayManager
Configuration parsed on initialization.
CONFIGURATION_DATASOURCE_IMPL_CLASS - Static variable in interface de.jollyday.ManagerParameter
ConfigurationDataSource - Interface in de.jollyday.datasource
The interface for all holiday data providing datasources.
ConfigurationDataSourceManager - Class in de.jollyday.datasource
This manager is responsible for instantiating the configured configuration datasource which is used to access the holiday data.
ConfigurationDataSourceManager() - Constructor for class de.jollyday.datasource.ConfigurationDataSourceManager
contains(Set<Holiday>, LocalDate) - Method in class de.jollyday.util.CalendarUtil
Shows if the requested dat is contained in the Set of holidays.
create(String) - Static method in class de.jollyday.ManagerParameters
create(HolidayCalendar) - Static method in class de.jollyday.ManagerParameters
create(HolidayCalendar, Properties) - Static method in class de.jollyday.ManagerParameters
create(URL) - Static method in class de.jollyday.ManagerParameters
create(String, Properties) - Static method in class de.jollyday.ManagerParameters
create(URL, Properties) - Static method in class de.jollyday.ManagerParameters
create() - Method in class de.jollyday.util.CalendarUtil
Creates the current date within the gregorian calendar.
create(int, int, int) - Method in class de.jollyday.util.CalendarUtil
Creates the date within the ISO chronology.
create(int, int, int, Chronology) - Method in class de.jollyday.util.CalendarUtil
Creates the date within the provided chronology.
create(int, Fixed) - Method in class de.jollyday.util.CalendarUtil
Creates the date from the month/day within the specified year.
create(Calendar) - Method in class de.jollyday.util.CalendarUtil
Creates a LocalDate.
create(String, ClassLoader) - Method in class de.jollyday.util.XMLUtil.JAXBContextCreator
createCacheKey() - Method in interface de.jollyday.ManagerParameter
createCacheKey() - Method in class de.jollyday.parameter.CalendarPartManagerParameter
createCacheKey() - Method in class de.jollyday.parameter.UrlManagerParameter
createResourceUrl() - Method in interface de.jollyday.ManagerParameter
createResourceUrl() - Method in class de.jollyday.parameter.CalendarPartManagerParameter
createResourceUrl() - Method in class de.jollyday.parameter.UrlManagerParameter
createValue() - Method in class de.jollyday.caching.HolidayManagerValueHandler
createValue() - Method in interface de.jollyday.util.Cache.ValueHandler


de.jollyday - package de.jollyday
de.jollyday.caching - package de.jollyday.caching
de.jollyday.datasource - package de.jollyday.datasource
de.jollyday.datasource.impl - package de.jollyday.datasource.impl
de.jollyday.holidaytype - package de.jollyday.holidaytype
de.jollyday.impl - package de.jollyday.impl
de.jollyday.parameter - package de.jollyday.parameter
de.jollyday.parser - package de.jollyday.parser
de.jollyday.parser.impl - package de.jollyday.parser.impl
de.jollyday.util - package de.jollyday.util
DefaultHolidayManager - Class in de.jollyday.impl
Manager implementation for reading data from the configuration datasource.
DefaultHolidayManager() - Constructor for class de.jollyday.impl.DefaultHolidayManager
doInit() - Method in class de.jollyday.HolidayManager
doInit() - Method in class de.jollyday.impl.DefaultHolidayManager
Initializes the DefaultHolidayManager by loading the holidays XML file as resource from the classpath.


equals(Object) - Method in class de.jollyday.CalendarHierarchy
Compares Hierarchies by id.
equals(Object) - Method in class de.jollyday.Holiday
EthiopianOrthodoxHolidayParser - Class in de.jollyday.parser.impl
Calculates the ethiopian orthodox holidays.
EthiopianOrthodoxHolidayParser() - Constructor for class de.jollyday.parser.impl.EthiopianOrthodoxHolidayParser


FixedParser - Class in de.jollyday.parser.impl
The Class FixedParser.
FixedParser() - Constructor for class de.jollyday.parser.impl.FixedParser
FixedWeekdayBetweenFixedParser - Class in de.jollyday.parser.impl
Parses the configuration for fixed weekdays between two fixed dates.
FixedWeekdayBetweenFixedParser() - Constructor for class de.jollyday.parser.impl.FixedWeekdayBetweenFixedParser
FixedWeekdayInMonthParser - Class in de.jollyday.parser.impl
The Class FixedWeekdayInMonthParser.
FixedWeekdayInMonthParser() - Constructor for class de.jollyday.parser.impl.FixedWeekdayInMonthParser
FixedWeekdayRelativeToFixedParser - Class in de.jollyday.parser.impl
Parses fixed weekday relative to fixed date.
FixedWeekdayRelativeToFixedParser() - Constructor for class de.jollyday.parser.impl.FixedWeekdayRelativeToFixedParser


get(Cache.ValueHandler<VALUE>) - Method in class de.jollyday.util.Cache
Returns the value defined by the Cache.ValueHandler
getCalendarHierarchy() - Method in class de.jollyday.HolidayManager
Returns the configured hierarchy structure for the specific manager.
getCalendarHierarchy() - Method in class de.jollyday.impl.DefaultHolidayManager
Returns the configured hierarchy structure for the specific manager.
getChildren() - Method in class de.jollyday.CalendarHierarchy
Getter for the field children.
getClassloader() - Method in class de.jollyday.util.ClassLoadingUtil
Returns the current threads context classloader.
getConfiguration(ManagerParameter) - Method in interface de.jollyday.datasource.ConfigurationDataSource
getConfiguration(ManagerParameter) - Method in class de.jollyday.datasource.impl.XmlFileDataSource
getConfigurationDataSource(ManagerParameter) - Method in class de.jollyday.datasource.ConfigurationDataSourceManager
getConfigurationDataSource() - Method in class de.jollyday.HolidayManager
Returns the ConfigurationDataSource to be used to retrieve holiday data.
getConfigurationFileName(String) - Static method in class de.jollyday.parameter.CalendarPartManagerParameter
Returns the configuration file name for the country.
getCountryDescription(String) - Method in class de.jollyday.util.ResourceUtil
getCountryDescription(Locale, String) - Method in class de.jollyday.util.ResourceUtil
Returns the hierarchys description text from the resource bundle.
getDate() - Method in class de.jollyday.Holiday
Getter for the field date.
getDescription() - Method in class de.jollyday.CalendarHierarchy
Returns the country description for the default locale.
getDescription(Locale) - Method in class de.jollyday.CalendarHierarchy
Returns the hierarchies description text from the resource bundle.
getDescription() - Method in class de.jollyday.Holiday
The description read with the default locale.
getDescription(Locale) - Method in class de.jollyday.Holiday
The description read with the provided locale.
getDisplayName() - Method in interface de.jollyday.ManagerParameter
getDisplayName() - Method in class de.jollyday.parameter.CalendarPartManagerParameter
getDisplayName() - Method in class de.jollyday.parameter.UrlManagerParameter
getEasterSunday(int, ChronologyType) - Method in class de.jollyday.parser.AbstractHolidayParser
getEasterSunday(int) - Method in class de.jollyday.util.CalendarUtil
Returns the easter sunday for a given year.
getEthiopianOrthodoxHolidaysInGregorianYear(int, int, int) - Method in class de.jollyday.util.CalendarUtil
Returns a set of gregorian dates within a gregorian year which equal the ethiopian orthodox month and day.
getGregorianEasterSunday(int) - Method in class de.jollyday.util.CalendarUtil
Returns the easter sunday within the gregorian chronology.
getHolidayDescription(String) - Method in class de.jollyday.util.ResourceUtil
The description read with the default locale.
getHolidayDescription(Locale, String) - Method in class de.jollyday.util.ResourceUtil
The description read with the provided locale.
getHolidays(int, String...) - Method in class de.jollyday.HolidayManager
Returns the holidays for the requested year and hierarchy structure.
getHolidays(LocalDate, LocalDate, String...) - Method in class de.jollyday.HolidayManager
Returns the holidays for the requested interval and hierarchy structure.
getHolidays(int, String...) - Method in class de.jollyday.impl.DefaultHolidayManager
Returns the holidays for the requested year and hierarchy structure.
getHolidays(LocalDate, LocalDate, String...) - Method in class de.jollyday.impl.DefaultHolidayManager
Returns the holidays for the requested interval and hierarchy structure.
getHolidays(int, String...) - Method in class de.jollyday.impl.JapaneseHolidayManager
Returns the holidays for the requested year and hierarchy structure.
getId() - Method in class de.jollyday.CalendarHierarchy
Getter for the field id.
getId() - Method in enum de.jollyday.HolidayCalendar
Getter for the field id.
getInstance() - Static method in class de.jollyday.HolidayManager
Creates a HolidayManager instance for the default locale country using the configured properties from the configuration file.
getInstance(Properties) - Static method in class de.jollyday.HolidayManager
Creates a HolidayManager instance for the default locale country using the provided properties.
getInstance(HolidayCalendar) - Static method in class de.jollyday.HolidayManager
getInstance(HolidayCalendar, Properties) - Static method in class de.jollyday.HolidayManager
getInstance(String) - Static method in class de.jollyday.HolidayManager
getInstance(String, Properties) - Static method in class de.jollyday.HolidayManager
getInstance(ManagerParameter) - Static method in class de.jollyday.HolidayManager
Creates and returns a HolidayManager for the provided ManagerParameters
getIslamicHolidaysInGregorianYear(int, int, int) - Method in class de.jollyday.util.CalendarUtil
Returns a set of gregorian dates within a gregorian year which equal the islamic month and day.
getISOCodes() - Method in class de.jollyday.util.ResourceUtil
Returns a list of ISO codes.
getJulianEasterSunday(int) - Method in class de.jollyday.util.CalendarUtil
Returns the easter sunday within the julian chronology.
getKey() - Method in class de.jollyday.caching.HolidayManagerValueHandler
getKey() - Method in interface de.jollyday.util.Cache.ValueHandler
getManagerParameter() - Method in class de.jollyday.HolidayManager
getManangerImplClassName() - Method in interface de.jollyday.ManagerParameter
getManangerImplClassName() - Method in class de.jollyday.parameter.BaseManagerParameter
getManangerImplClassName() - Method in class de.jollyday.parameter.CalendarPartManagerParameter
getMonth(Month) - Method in class de.jollyday.util.XMLUtil
Returns the DateTimeConstants value for the given month.
getPropertiesKey() - Method in class de.jollyday.Holiday
Getter for the field propertiesKey.
getProperty(String) - Method in interface de.jollyday.ManagerParameter
getProperty(String) - Method in class de.jollyday.parameter.BaseManagerParameter
getResource(String) - Method in class de.jollyday.util.ResourceUtil
Returns the resource by URL.
getSupportedCalendarCodes() - Static method in class de.jollyday.HolidayManager
Returns a set of all currently supported calendar codes.
getType() - Method in class de.jollyday.Holiday
Gets the type holiday.
getType(HolidayType) - Method in class de.jollyday.util.XMLUtil
Gets the type.
getWeekday(Weekday) - Method in class de.jollyday.util.XMLUtil
Returns the DateTimeConstants value for the given weekday.


hashCode() - Method in class de.jollyday.CalendarHierarchy
hashCode() - Method in class de.jollyday.Holiday
HinduHolidayParser - Class in de.jollyday.parser.impl
HinduHolidayParser class.
HinduHolidayParser() - Constructor for class de.jollyday.parser.impl.HinduHolidayParser
Holiday - Class in de.jollyday
Represents the holiday and contains the actual date and an localized description.
Holiday(LocalDate, String, HolidayType) - Constructor for class de.jollyday.Holiday
Constructs a holiday for a date using the provided properties key to retrieve the description with.
HolidayCalendar - Enum in de.jollyday
This enum provides a list of all supported holiday calendars.
HolidayManager - Class in de.jollyday
Abstract base class for all holiday manager implementations.
HolidayManager() - Constructor for class de.jollyday.HolidayManager
HolidayManagerValueHandler - Class in de.jollyday.caching
Creates the Cache.ValueHandler which constructs a HolidayManager.
HolidayManagerValueHandler(ManagerParameter, String) - Constructor for class de.jollyday.caching.HolidayManagerValueHandler
HolidayParser - Interface in de.jollyday.parser
HolidayType - Interface in de.jollyday
Type of holiday.


init(ManagerParameter) - Method in class de.jollyday.HolidayManager
Initializes the implementing manager for the provided calendar.
isHoliday(Calendar, String...) - Method in class de.jollyday.HolidayManager
Calls isHoliday with JODA time object.
isHoliday(LocalDate, String...) - Method in class de.jollyday.HolidayManager
Show if the requested date is a holiday.
IslamicHolidayParser - Class in de.jollyday.parser.impl
This parser calculates gregorian dates for the different islamic holidays.
IslamicHolidayParser() - Constructor for class de.jollyday.parser.impl.IslamicHolidayParser
isManagerCachingEnabled() - Static method in class de.jollyday.HolidayManager
isOfficialHoliday() - Method in interface de.jollyday.HolidayType
Checks if is official holiday.
isValid(T, int) - Method in class de.jollyday.parser.AbstractHolidayParser
Evaluates if the provided Holiday instance is valid for the provided year.
isWeekend(LocalDate) - Method in class de.jollyday.util.CalendarUtil
Returns if this date is on a wekkend.


JapaneseHolidayManager - Class in de.jollyday.impl
JapaneseHolidayManager class.
JapaneseHolidayManager() - Constructor for class de.jollyday.impl.JapaneseHolidayManager
JAXBContextCreator() - Constructor for class de.jollyday.util.XMLUtil.JAXBContextCreator


loadClass(String) - Method in class de.jollyday.util.ClassLoadingUtil
Loads the class by class name with the current threads context classloader.
LocalizedHolidayType - Enum in de.jollyday.holidaytype
Represents a localized version of a holiday type.
logHierarchy(Configuration, int) - Static method in class de.jollyday.impl.DefaultHolidayManager
Logs the hierarchy structure.


MANAGER_IMPL_CLASS_PREFIX - Static variable in interface de.jollyday.ManagerParameter
ManagerParameter - Interface in de.jollyday
ManagerParameters - Class in de.jollyday
mergeProperties(Properties) - Method in interface de.jollyday.ManagerParameter
mergeProperties(Properties) - Method in class de.jollyday.parameter.BaseManagerParameter
moveDate(MoveableHoliday, LocalDate) - Method in class de.jollyday.parser.AbstractHolidayParser
Moves a date if there are any moving conditions for this holiday and any of them fit.


PACKAGE - Static variable in class de.jollyday.util.XMLUtil
the package name to search for the generated java classes.
parse(int, Set<Holiday>, Holidays) - Method in interface de.jollyday.parser.HolidayParser
Parses for the provided year using the Holidays config and adds to the set of holidays.
parse(int, Set<Holiday>, Holidays) - Method in class de.jollyday.parser.impl.ChristianHolidayParser
Parses for the provided year using the Holidays config and adds to the set of holidays.
parse(int, Set<Holiday>, Holidays) - Method in class de.jollyday.parser.impl.EthiopianOrthodoxHolidayParser
Parses for the provided year using the Holidays config and adds to the set of holidays.
parse(int, Set<Holiday>, Holidays) - Method in class de.jollyday.parser.impl.FixedParser
Parses for the provided year using the Holidays config and adds to the set of holidays.
parse(int, Set<Holiday>, Holidays) - Method in class de.jollyday.parser.impl.FixedWeekdayBetweenFixedParser
Parses for the provided year using the Holidays config and adds to the set of holidays.
parse(int, Set<Holiday>, Holidays) - Method in class de.jollyday.parser.impl.FixedWeekdayInMonthParser
Parses for the provided year using the Holidays config and adds to the set of holidays.
parse(int, FixedWeekdayInMonth) - Method in class de.jollyday.parser.impl.FixedWeekdayInMonthParser
Parses the FixedWeekdayInMonth.
parse(int, Set<Holiday>, Holidays) - Method in class de.jollyday.parser.impl.FixedWeekdayRelativeToFixedParser
Parses the provided configuration and creates holidays for the provided year.
parse(int, Set<Holiday>, Holidays) - Method in class de.jollyday.parser.impl.HinduHolidayParser
Parses for the provided year using the Holidays config and adds to the set of holidays.
parse(int, Set<Holiday>, Holidays) - Method in class de.jollyday.parser.impl.IslamicHolidayParser
Parses for the provided year using the Holidays config and adds to the set of holidays.
parse(int, Set<Holiday>, Holidays) - Method in class de.jollyday.parser.impl.RelativeToEasterSundayParser
Parses for the provided year using the Holidays config and adds to the set of holidays.
parse(int, Set<Holiday>, Holidays) - Method in class de.jollyday.parser.impl.RelativeToFixedParser
Parses for the provided year using the Holidays config and adds to the set of holidays.
parse(int, Set<Holiday>, Holidays) - Method in class de.jollyday.parser.impl.RelativeToWeekdayInMonthParser
Parses for the provided year using the Holidays config and adds to the set of holidays.


RelativeToEasterSundayParser - Class in de.jollyday.parser.impl
This parser creates holidays relative to easter sunday.
RelativeToEasterSundayParser() - Constructor for class de.jollyday.parser.impl.RelativeToEasterSundayParser
RelativeToFixedParser - Class in de.jollyday.parser.impl
The Class RelativeToFixedParser.
RelativeToFixedParser() - Constructor for class de.jollyday.parser.impl.RelativeToFixedParser
RelativeToWeekdayInMonthParser - Class in de.jollyday.parser.impl
RelativeToWeekdayInMonthParser class.
RelativeToWeekdayInMonthParser() - Constructor for class de.jollyday.parser.impl.RelativeToWeekdayInMonthParser
ResourceUtil - Class in de.jollyday.util
ResourceUtil class.
ResourceUtil() - Constructor for class de.jollyday.util.ResourceUtil


setChildren(Map<String, CalendarHierarchy>) - Method in class de.jollyday.CalendarHierarchy
Setter for the field children.
setConfigurationDataSource(ConfigurationDataSource) - Method in class de.jollyday.HolidayManager
Sets the configuration datasource with this holiday manager.
setFallbackDescription(String) - Method in class de.jollyday.CalendarHierarchy
setManagerCachingEnabled(boolean) - Static method in class de.jollyday.HolidayManager
If true, instantiated managers will be cached.
setProperty(String, String) - Method in interface de.jollyday.ManagerParameter
setProperty(String, String) - Method in class de.jollyday.parameter.BaseManagerParameter
shallBeMoved(LocalDate, MovingCondition) - Method in class de.jollyday.parser.AbstractHolidayParser
Determines if the provided date shall be substituted.


toString() - Method in class de.jollyday.Holiday
toString() - Method in class de.jollyday.parameter.CalendarPartManagerParameter
toString() - Method in class de.jollyday.parameter.UrlManagerParameter


UNDEFINED - Static variable in class de.jollyday.util.ResourceUtil
Unknown constant will be returned when there is no description configured.
unmarshallConfiguration(InputStream) - Method in class de.jollyday.util.XMLUtil
Unmarshalls the configuration from the stream.
UrlManagerParameter - Class in de.jollyday.parameter
UrlManagerParameter(URL, Properties) - Constructor for class de.jollyday.parameter.UrlManagerParameter


validateConfigurationHierarchy(Configuration) - Static method in class de.jollyday.impl.DefaultHolidayManager
Validates the content of the provided configuration by checking for multiple hierarchy entries within one configuration.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum de.jollyday.HolidayCalendar
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum de.jollyday.holidaytype.LocalizedHolidayType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum de.jollyday.HolidayCalendar
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum de.jollyday.holidaytype.LocalizedHolidayType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


XmlFileDataSource - Class in de.jollyday.datasource.impl
This ConfigurationDataSource implementation reads XML files as resources from the classpath.
XmlFileDataSource() - Constructor for class de.jollyday.datasource.impl.XmlFileDataSource
xmlUtil - Variable in class de.jollyday.parser.AbstractHolidayParser
XML utility class.
XMLUtil - Class in de.jollyday.util
XMLUtil() - Constructor for class de.jollyday.util.XMLUtil
XMLUtil.JAXBContextCreator - Class in de.jollyday.util
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